Meet Our Researchers

Kiran Garimella
Kiran Garimella develops new computational methods to study childhood cancers, structural birth defects, and infectious diseases.
Malaria infects more than 230 million people every year, and drug-resistant strains are rising. To stop this deadly endemic, researchers need new diagnostics—current tests are not sensitive enough to detect new strains or require expensive laboratory set-ups. Kiran has a solution. He’s developing a method that amplifies the genetic material of malaria so that it can be sequenced using 1/500th of the usual amount of required DNA. Unlike conventional techniques, Kiran’s method requires no special equipment, making it especially useful in remote, resource-limited areas. Kiran will use his BroadIgnite funds to hone this new technology and test its effectiveness on various strains of malaria. His hope is to develop a new frontline diagnostic test to aid malaria surveillance efforts in Africa.